Monday, April 13, 2009

how many times?

how many times have we said "I should have left when I was ahead."
Went for a late session, do you recognize where? Yup, good ole
Sycuan. Been a while. I was headed to Barona, but Sycuan had a 40k BBJ
going and three tables of $100 max when V and B had only 2. So S it
was. Got there late about 9, but it was plenty busy. Hardly played a
hand at first. First attempt ended as a fold of TT after limping and
being raised to 18 PF. 2 guys were playing mega loose. Long story
short I was 130 in and made it to 170 just playing snug. Then nothing
worked fir a lonv tune afrr tgsg point. Enddd up sticking it in with
QQ v K5 on K hi flop 2 spades to lose the last of that original $130
after bleeding being called every bet for an hour. This guy had
covercalled $11 after I flatter with QQ. amazing bad play I saw a lot
of. ghey. j play bad be should have 3bet pre.

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